Thirty years ago today one of the most influential songs in the history of rock music was released. Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Even when I was a 7 year old kid I knew I didn’t like the song. Blasphemy! If that song fell of the face of the earth I wouldn’t care as long as the Weird Al parody stayed. But then what would it be a parody of? It was just played all time everywhere, and I didn’t even have MTV. I know it’s like the song that defined the 90s and was a breakthrough. Never really liked grunge as a genre. Plus it killed a bunch of other genres from the late 80s early 90s.

Here are some of the misheard lyrics I heard as a kid.

Hello hello hello x9

With the light out it’s less dangerous

Here we are now entertainers x2

Cause we’re stupid and contagious 

Rama llama rama llama A mosquito A beatle




Running all night long x

Rama llama